Environment & Sustainability
Our Environmental and Sustainability practice provides advice and support to companies seeking to deliver projects sustainably and to the highest possible environmental standards. Expert advice is increasingly necessary for efficient project delivery as challenges arise from evermore stringent global environmental regulations. We work with our clients to not only establish solutions with the lowest possible carbon footprint, but to provide net gain solutions that are achievable, sustainable, and meaningful.
With innovation and excellence at its core, the Environment & Sustainability team offers a suite of high-quality services to clients including:
- Pre-feasibility studies
- Constraint mapping
- Site finding
- Environmental mitigation
- Consent compliance
- Management of EIA
- Environmental permitting and Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA)
- Baseline environmental surveys; Environmental Constraints Mapping; Environmental Feasibility Studies
- Environmental Management Plans (EMP) including Marine Mammal Mitigation Plans (MMMP)
- Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
- Mitigation and monitoring (Protected Species / Marine Mammal Observers and Passive Acoustic Monitoring)
- Sound source modelling and verification
- Project management and advisory services
- Desktop studies and literature reviews
- Public consultations